We usually meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 19:00, with no meeting in December.
Default location:
Alternate location:


Franklin County, Missouri

Amateur Radio Emergency Service

Next Meeting: Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Topic: TBA

  • ZBARC's Clubhouse

    Please note that the meeting for this month will be held at the ZeroBeater's Clubhouse.

Special Notice

Effective Monday, June 18, 2024 and until further notice, we will hold the weekly net on the 147.180 repeater (+0.6 MHz) PL 79.7. This is due to the sporadic issues occurring on the 147.240 machine.

What is ARES?

We are a group of dedicated volunteers working with various agencies and local governments to provide an alternate means of communication when the need arises. Amateur radio has the capability to get messages through when other channels of communication are unavailable or overwhelmed. Hams (licensed amateur radio operators) have the equipment and know-how to be able to communicate across town and world- wide without having to rely on phone lines, satellites, or even the electrical power grid. From 9/11 to Hurricane Katrina, and through many other disasters and emergencies, hams have been there to help.
KD0QQU Radio
Join our weekly net!
  • Every Monday at 19:00
  • On 147.240 (+0.6 MHz) PL 141.30
  •   Alternate of 146.450 (+1.0 MHz) TSQL 141.3
Simplex/Digital net
  • Third Tuesday of each month at 19:00
  • On 147.405
  •   Alternate of 145.700
Severe Weather Net
This net will activate whenever the National Weather Service issues either a severe weather watch or warning for Franklin County.
This is a directed net with KD0QQU serving as net control on 147.240 tone 141.30.
All regularly scheduled nets will be moved to 146.450 tone-squelch 141.3 while the severe weather net is active.
HF Operators
Missouri Emergency Sevices Net
  • Sundays at 1400L 3.963 MHz +/-
  • with a backup of 7.263 MHz +/-
Join the Illinois section ARES HF net
  • 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
  • at 1630L on 3.905 MHz